Black River
The Black River in Prince Edward County is a quiet, scenic river filled with wildlife and pastoral vistas.

The river winds lazily for approximately 6 kms from our launch point to the town of Milford. It can take 2-4 hours to make a round trip, depending on the experience of the paddler. Going can get slower during the end of the season, where some areas closer to Milford can fill in with vegetation, however there is a deeper channel that runs most of it’s length making for pleasant, relaxing paddling.

Under the bridge in the other direction, the river opens into a small bay on Lake Ontario. As you paddle out to the lake, you’ll pass the virtually untouched 240 acre Macmahon Bluff to one side, which contrasts the cottages and riverside houses on the other. The water speed and winds can become much stronger out into the bay, so less experienced paddlers should keep close to the shorelines in windy weather.

You may meet a wide variety of birds and aquatic life during your paddle, including muskrat, beavers, osprey, kingfishers, great blue herons, and the ever present red winged blackbird, among a host of others. In the early part of the season swans rule the roost by chasing out many of the nesting geese and ducks. Give them a wide berth if you happen across one as they can be aggressive. It’s best to be considerate of all wildlife on the river, and to keep as much distance between them and yourself as possible.

In addition, please be respectful of shoreline property owners. All shoreline along the river is privately owned, and although some spots may look like inviting areas to tuck in for a picnic lunch, trespassing is frowned upon. There are a few quiet, shady spots on the Cabin Fever Kayak property, and you are welcome to lunch in peace here.
“Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing – absolutely nothing – half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.”
– Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows